Black Locust (Robina pseudocacia)

A fast growing tree in the legume family. Black locust grows 30-90' with a trunk up to 4' in diameter. Because it forms large multiple-stemmed clones it can take over large areas.      

Leaves: Leaves are arranged in pairs with one leaflet at the tip. Leaves will be bluish green on top and pale on the bottom and will emerge slow in the spring

Flowers: White and pea-like. Blooms in late fall

Fruits & Seeds: Flat, shiny, brown pods that are 2-6" long consist of 4-8 seeds. Seed pods often stay on tree all winter.

Roots: Extensive system of fibrous roots and shallow rhizomes.

Ecological threats

  • Black locust invades forests, prairies, oak savannas, pasture, fields and roadsides.
  • Damage to roots or stems from fire, wind, cutting, or disease will stimulate sprouting, root suckering and lateral spread

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