4 Control Inc. provides a wide variety of services when it comes to herbicide application. We provide services for Federal and State agencies, counties, townships, municipalities, and even private landowners.
Trees, woody brush, and vines can grow up into utility structures such as distribution lines and electrical substations causing power outages. When vegetation grows into the line it can make maintenance difficult and dangerous. Using the proper herbicides to keep utility lines and substations free from overgrown vegetation will ensure line maintenance can be safely conducted while providing reliable power to customers.
Safety is one of the leading concerns along our state highways and roads. Encroaching brush and the invasion of invasive plants along the road sides can create many safety problems and can make maintenance difficult. Using the proper herbicides mowing costs can be reduced, invasive plants can be controlled, and native plants and grasses can flourish.
Invasive plants are now a major threat on a national level. It is estimated that invasive plants are present on approximately 7 million acres of United States' National Parks. State and private lands are also infested, sometimes even more severely. Invasive plants are preventing people from enjoying the outdoors to its full potential. Economically invasive plants have created a $34 billion per year problem. This cost is going to continue to grow if actions are not taken.
Flood Control/Storm Water Retention Ponds & Drainage Ditches
Flood Control
Large trees can tip over and take away the integrity of the dike. Weeds along the ripraian rock make it difficult to see potential problems. Removing the woody vegetation and weeds make inspections and maintenance a lot easier.
Storm Water Retention Ponds & Drainage Ditches
Invasive plants and woody vegetation can potentially slow down water flowage, create debris in and around ponds and ditches, As woody vegetation grow large it can potentially cause damage to your inlets and outlets.