Tis' The Season For Basal Bark Treatments
Posted by 4-Control on Nov 27th 2018
Control Unwanted Brush with Basal Bark Treatments All Year Long
Use basal bark treatments on sensitive sites such as high visibility areas during the fall and winter to control unwanted brush and avoid foliage brown-out. Fall, winter, and spring applications provide the best access for treatment due to the lack of existing foliage. Garlon 4 Ultra herbicide mixed with commercial basal oil or other oil-based carriers is a very dependable year-round treatment for controlling unwanted trees and brush.
Suggested areas to utilize basal treatments
Bridge ends and embankments
Urban environments
Near desirable vegetation
Back lots on a utility distribution system
Near sensitive sites
Low density brush sites
When using Garlon 4 Ultra and our Bark Oil Blue Shortfill Container as a basal treatment, it is important to remember:
Basal applications work best on woody species with trunks less than six (6) inches in basal diameter.
Evenly spray the lower 15 to 18 inches of the stem on all sides, including the root collar, but not to the point of run-off; make sure all sides of the stem are treated.
Do not apply to bark that’s wet from heavy dew and rain. If the herbicide/penetrating oil mix turns white when applied to bark, it’s an indicator that the bark is too wet and the application won’t work.
Typical basal mixtures are 20-25% Garlon® 4 Ultra in 75-80% basal oil. Another option for low volume users is Pathfinder® II herbicide
Pathfinder II is a ready to use spray formulation of Garlon 4 Ultra and basal oil.
Since it is ready-to-use, Pathfinder II eliminates the need for mixing and ensures proper rates.
Pathfinder II contains a nonpetroleum diluent, derived from naturally occurring vegetable oils that provides superior penetrating capabilities, even during winter months.